
Dr Boylan's role will include consultation with key stakeholders and communications relevant to the services on behalf of the HSE.

Minister Flanagan speaks on the ban in Garda overtime

This has been a difficult year for the sector in terms of weather and the range of challenges associated with it...

Minister for Health, Simon Harris, & Minister of State with special responsibility for Disabilities, Finian McGrath...

Statement on the Establishment of a new system for Unidentified Human Remains

I very much welcome the opportunity to address this important topic raised by Senator Ruane.

I want to advise the House that there has been a delay in the rotation of Defence Force Personnel serving in UNDOF, this will result in a delay for 119...

Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine, presented the Greyhound Racing Bill 2018 to Cabinet

The Minister for Education and Skills will sign a historic Commencement Order bringing a number of sections of the Education (Admission to Schools) Act

23 members have been appointed to the Advisory Council for a 3 year period commencing on 24th October 2018.

