
State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Mr. Kazuyuki Nakane, visited Ireland on 18-19 January as part of a trip to Europe.

Josepha Madigan, Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht has today (Friday) launched the 2018 commemorative programme at the Chester Beatty Library

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten, today (19th January 2018) published Ireland’s first statutory National Adaptation Framework and announced funding of €10m to establish Local Authority Regional Climate Action Offices.

The Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht has received details of scientific analysis of ancient human remains which were discovered in 2016 by a local hillwalker on a Mayo mountainside.

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross T.D. today welcomed the passage of his Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2017 through 2nd Stage in the Dáil.

Views of parents and pre-school practitioners to be sought.

As co-guarantors of the Good Friday Agreement, the British and Irish Governments have a responsibility to ensure the effective functioning of its institutions.

The purpose of the dialogue is to engage with citizens to hear their views, opinions and insights about the European Union.

The Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Damien English, today, published draft Water Services - Guidelines for Planning Authorities.

Minister Josepha Madigan, has today welcomed the announcement that Lynn Scarff has been named as the incoming Director of the National Museum of Ireland.

