
Since I last addressed this House on the regulation of charities, I have taken steps...

Welcome to the future. The future of science. The future of medicine. The future for NUI Galway....

I’m always delighted to come here to UCC, so thank you to the Department of Government for inviting me to give the Philip Monahan Lecture 2014...

I’m delighted to be back in Cork today for a number of very positive events for the city, including this expansion announcement by Westbourne involving 51 new jobs...

Thank you. I am delighted to be here with you this evening at the University of Sarajevo, following a very productive day of meetings with...

Thank you Norah, and may I take this opportunity to thank you once again for agreeing to Chair the first Board of the Child and Family Agency. I am confident that you and your...

In recent weeks, we have begun to see many reasons for Irish people to begin...

Without special attention, young people are likely to be most at risk of becoming...

