
Good afternoon everyone. On Sunday, as we exited our Troika Programme, I signalled that the Government would be publishing an economic strategy for the years ahead...

Good evening. Three years ago, Ireland entered a bailout programme....

The date was June 1996, just two years into his presidency. The place was the Palace of Westminster in London....

Commissioner, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen and most especially, new members of the Garda reserve....

Director General of the Irish Prison Service Michael Donnellan, Acting Chief Executive of the Irish Human Rights Commission Des Hogan, Inspector of Prisons...

I am delighted to be here today to address this the closing forum for the Cybercrime Network Conference 2013....

I am privileged to be joined at Farmleigh today for Ireland’s first national Missing Persons Day...

Commissioner, I have the pleasure of joining you and Ms Anne O’Leary, CEO, Vodafone Ireland today...

