
The Chinese are reputed to have a curse which goes “May you live in interesting times.” And we do. Very interesting economic times – that have a knock-on effect on every aspect of Irish life at the moment.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m delighted to welcome you to Dublin and to Trinity College. To those delegates who have travelled to Ireland perhaps for the first time...

Presiding Officer, fellow Oireachtas members, Commissioner, Cathaoirleach, Councillors and distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen: I am delighted to join my Fine Gael colleagues, Ruaidhri, John, Billy McEvoy, County Manager and ...

Thank you, Alasdair, for your introduction, and my congratulations to you and to all your party members on a very successful Annual Conference. Tá an-áthas orm bheith anseo le baill agus cairde an SDLP anocht. Tréaslaím libh as an obair atá ar siúl agaibh ar son...

I am very pleased to welcome you all to the launch of the ‘Be Winter-Ready’ 2012 - 2012 Information Campaign as Chairman of the Government Task Force on Emergency Planning and I wish to acknowledge the support of my colleague the Minister for...

I am very pleased to welcome you all to the launch of the ‘Be Winter-Ready’ 2012 - 2012 Information Campaign as Chairman of the Government Task Force on Emergency Planning and I wish to acknowledge ...

Dr Burda, Vice-Chancellor, Excellencies, Ladies & Gentlemen. I’m honoured to accept your European of the Year Award. And I’m privileged to accept this Golden Viktoriaon behalf of the Irish people at home and overseas. Ireland’s commitment...

Good morning everyone and thank you for your warm welcome. I’m very pleased to have been invited to open this, the 2012 Annual Conference of Irish Charities Tax...

A (Leas) Ceann Comhairle, I welcome this opportunity to contribute on behalf of the Government to what has been an interesting debate...

On behalf of the Minister I would like to thank the Deputy for raising this important matter. The Minister attaches the highest priority to the investigation and detection of white collar crime...

