
I would like to thank Deputy Calleary for bringing this Bill before the House and to all the Deputies who have contributed to the debate. It is clear that the subject matter of the Bill is one to which each of us can relate...

I want to thank the NCCA for the opportunity to come to their conference today to speak about Junior Cycle reform....

I am pleased to present this Bill to the House which will enable Ireland to implement an EU Council Decision establishing the European Police Office or Europol. While Europol has existed since 1995, it did so on the basis of...

On behalf of the Government I extend a very warm welcome to President Schulz, president of the European Parliament, who is joining us on the occasion of his visit to Ireland. It is an honour and a pleasure to receive you here...

It is a real pleasure to be here with you this evening to celebrate your 20th anniversary. Anniversaries are important milestones and I am glad you are marking this one in good style. You deserve great credit for all the work you have...

Mr. President, Chief of Staff, Assistant Secretary General of the Department, General Secretary, distinguished guests and conference delegates. Firstly I wish to convey the sincere apologies of the Minister for Defence, Minister Alan...

Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m pleased to join you this evening for the Opening Ceremony of your Annual Conference 2012. As Taoiseach, I offer you my warm and personal welcome to Dublin, for what I hope will be a very successful and enjoyable week for the International Bar...

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am delighted to have been asked to wrap-up your conference today and I trust that you have enjoyed lively and productive discussions aided by the impressive line-up of contributors...

I am delighted to be here to have an opportunity to talk about the Government’s vision for HR and IR in the public service. There is no doubt that the public service still faces significant...

On November 10th the Irish people will have the opportunity to go to the polls and do something historic. They can vote for or against an amendment to the Constitution that proposes to treat children as individuals in their own right, for the first time in this...

