
Today, the step change in political commitment which the establishment of my department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment marked and which Budget 2017 underpinned, was further built on...

Today is World Homeless Day, and today we have over 8,000 people who are homeless...

As Minister of State for our native language, our Gaeltacht areas and our islands, I know all too well my duty to protect and enhance the use of Irish throughout the country and the...

A Cheann Comhairle, Budget day offers the opportunity to reflect on a journey made, to recognise both what our country has achieved and what we want to achieve...

I am delighted to be here this morning at your Annual Conference and in particular to be part of the discussion on resourcing and delivering high quality healthcare services following on from the publication of the Slaintecare Report...

Members of the Law Society, Members of the Judiciary, Members of the Public & Distinguished Guests. I would like to thank the Law Society Human Rights Committee for the invitation to speak...

Good afternoon everyone. It is a great pleasure to be here today in the Aviva Stadium for today's "Positive Partnerships" Conference and Workshop. I would like to thank the Football...

I would like to officially open the Association for Criminal Justice Research and Development (ACJRD)’s 2017 Annual Conference and welcome you all to this event...

Minister with Responsibility for Defence, Mr. Paul Kehoe T.D., was in the Naval Base, Haulbowline today to welcome home the crew of L.É William Butler Yeats who have been deployed on a humanitarian search...

President of the Irish Planning Institute Deirdre Fallon, members of the Institute, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to be here to open your Autumn Conference - Re-imagining the Planning System: Planning and Implementation...

