
I am very pleased to meet with the Committee this morning to provide an update on the measures, which are being put in place to make childcare more affordable for families from September...

I would like to thank the Committee for their invitation to appear today alongside my fellow Ministers. This Committee has taken on a very wide mandate across tax, anti-money laundering and other areas...

The opportunity to discuss the funding of ‘public service broadcasting’ and its future is both timely and welcome...

Ceann Comhairle, I move that the Bill be read a second time. I am pleased to present this Bill to the House. It is brought forward to give effect to one among a number of commitments arising under the Stormont Agreement and Implementation Plan – known as the Fresh Start Agreement...

Commissioner, distinguished guests, ladies and gentleman and, of course, our new members of An Garda Síochána...

Good morning, ladies and gentleman, I am delighted to open Inspirefest...

Go raibh maith agat Cathaoirleach. First of all, I would like to commend Senator Swanick for bringing forward this Bill. It takes time and effort to prepare legislation and I appreciate the work...

In recent days there has been some ill-informed commentary in relation to the National Broadband Plan. I believe it is important that I state the factual position for the record of this House.

A Leas Cheann Comhairle,There is an onus on all of us who are serious about how we deal with waste to ensure that the public debate is founded on hard facts and reality.

