
Cathaoirleach, Senators, I am very grateful for the invitation to attend the upper house this afternoon to provide an update on the recently launched Action Plan for Rural Development, entitled, Realising our Rural Potential...

I move that the Bill be read a second time. I am very pleased to present this Bill to the House. It is a relatively short Bill which focusses specifically on commitments on bail in the...

I am delighted to be here today to address you on the important question of how we can keep our children safer online. I know that Minister Naughten is disappointed not to be with you today as I know this is a subject close to his heart...

I am very pleased to meet the Committee this morning to discuss the Affordable Childcare Scheme, before we begin the process of drafting...

Ireland has the opportunity to develop an integration model that works for us and that avoids the problems that have happened in other...

Tá athás orm bheith i bhur measc inniu. I’m delighted to be here to launch the Action Plan for Education. Ms Mitchell and Ms Swords thank you for inviting us...

I would like to thank Senators Nash, Bacik, Humphreys and Ó’Ríordáin for introducing this Bill. I will be speaking on behalf of my colleague...

Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great pleasure to be here tonight at your AGM, and in particular to have the opportunity to say a few words to you at our Embassy.

