
I am privileged to join the Deputy Commissioner and all of you present here in Farmleigh today on what has appropriately become an annual commemoration: Ireland’s national Missing Persons Day...

Good morning everyone, It is a pleasure to be here this morning to welcome you all to the second day of this dynamic SME and entrepreneurship event that Sage has organised...

My compliments to the Sunday Business Post for arranging this third annual Residential Property Summit. Last year’s Summit called for three things from Government, namely the appointment of a Housing Minister...

Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to thank Barnardos for inviting me to open this seminar today...

· Chathaoirligh, Elected Members, Public Representatives, Ladies & Gentlemen – I am delighted to be here this evening in Sligo to launch the Cranmore Regeneration Masterplan....

I have been asked by the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality, Frances Fitzgerald, T.D., to respond...

Adoption is a huge event in the life of a child – it is an opportunity to change young lives for the better...

Why is there a Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment? Governments and government departments change priority over time...

The prudent economic and fiscal policies implemented over recent years have placed Ireland in a much stronger financial position. In particular the recovery...

The Treacy family, here today, have presented an object lesson in courage - the agonised courage it takes to speak so candidly about personal grief and to share...

