
The Government is opposing the Bill put forward by Fianna Fáil for reasons which I will detail here in the House this afternoon. At the outset, however, I would like...

I am honoured to be here with you in the Royal Irish Academy this evening to launch this landmark publication, Sixties Ireland...

The Criminal Assets Bureau and the Proceeds of Crime Act 1996 were developed in response to a deep crisis 20 years ago. If Veronica Guerin's murder marked...

I am pleased to have this opportunity to discuss the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest legislation that has been the subject of much discussion in recent weeks and indeed years...

A Cheann Chomhairle, I move this Bill. As the members of this House are aware, this Bill is being brought forward today to give additional powers to the Commission...

All of us in this House have been shocked by the upsurge in gang-related violence in Dublin in recent months. I am determined that the outrageous...

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Leader of the House for inviting me to speak today on the important issue of Farm Safety...

Chairman, Ambassadors, Distinguished guests, I am delighted to be here this morning and I’d like to thank my former colleague and old friend, Alan Dukes for inviting me to address...

20 years ago, when a fearless journalist stood up to tell the truth about vicious gangsters, and paid with her life, these Houses, the Government, and the agencies of the State responded swiftly...

A Cheann Comhairle, I welcome this opportunity to speak to the House on last week’s meeting of the European Council, and the subsequent informal...

