
A chairde Gael, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to be here in Washington DC to celebrate Lá Fhéile Padraig, St. Patrick’s Day, with you...

Mr President, Mr Vice President, Ladies and Gentlemen...

Mr. Vice President, Distinguished guests, A Leas-Uachtaráin Biden, a Dhaoine Uaisle...

Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, Mr Vice President, Members of Congress, Friends of Ireland, Distinguished Guests...

Commissioner, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen and of course our new members of An Garda Síochána...

Ceann Comhairle, I welcome the opportunity to speak on this important matter in this House. When we came to Office...

I am delighted to have the opportunity to clarify my role and the Government’s plans to put in place a permanent and fitting tribute to the 1916 Leaders in Moore Street....

I’m delighted to be with you this morning. Thank you for inviting me. At this centenary year AGM you are considering 100 years of leadership...

Good afternoon, As Minister for Data Protection, I am delighted to have the opportunity to speak to you today on Data Protection Day, or Data Privacy Day, depending on where in the world you live. Go raibh míle maith agaibh le haghaidh an cuireadh agus tá fáilte roimh go léir...

I’m joined by my colleagues Minister Phelan, Minister Kelly and Deputy Marcella Corcoran Kennedy....

