
The Minister for Defence has announced the details of the scheme to provide emergency humanitarian support to small businesses that have been unable...

Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Alan Kelly and Minister with Responsibility for Housing, Planning and Coordination of Construction 2020...

The Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys TD, has today hailed the latest successes for the Irish film industry, as the Golden Globe nominees...

The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Dr James Reilly T.D, has today signed the commencement order on the removal of the defence of ‘Reasonable Chastisement’ under section 28 of the Children First Act 2015...

A further meeting of the National Coordination Group to discuss the on-going flooding was held in the (NECC) National Emergency Coordination Centre today...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, today announced the publication of the Implementation Plan for Food Wise 2025. Food Wise 2025, the new strategy for the development of the agri food sector over the next decade...

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Paschal Donohoe TD, and Minister of State, Michael Ring TD, have welcomed new CSO figures out today (Thursday) which confirm very strong revenue figures from overseas visitors this year...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, announced today that AEOS payments are to commence this week...

The Tánaiste Joan Burton TD and the Minister for Business and Employment Ged Nash TD joined SSE at its headquarters in Dublin today as it announced it is to become a Living Wage employer. This move guarantees that all of its employees will earn a Living Wage of at least €11.50 per hour from the 1st of January 2016...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Simon Coveney T.D. today announced details of the direct aid package for the dairy and pig sectors of €27.4m. This compromises €13.7m of EU funding and a further €13.7m in matching national funding...

