
Overall budget of €994m, a 5% increase in Defence sector spending of some €47.5m.

Investment & improved access to GP services; more help for families & older people with health costs – Health Ministers

€361 million of additional social welfare expenditure provided in Budget 2019 Targeted increases for children and lone parents New deal for the self-employed

The Government today appointed the Honourable Ms. Justice Mary Laffoy as President of the Law Reform Commission for a three year term. A retired Judge of the Supreme Court, she has...

Government is allocating exchequer funding of almost €2.3 billion to housing programmes. In addition, local authorities will fund a range of housing services...

Education budget will increase by €674 million to €10.8 billion in 2019, a 6.7% increase

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, has today obtained Government approval for the appointment of a new member to the Board of RTÉ.

The Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, announced additional funding of over €36 million for her Department in 2019, an increase of 12%

Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Denis Naughten notes the IPCC Special Report on the Impacts of Global Warming of 1.5⁰C

The Minister of State for Higher Education, attended a meeting to welcome Southern Regional College, Newry, as the first Northern Ireland partner to join...

