
CSO data released today shows that the number of overseas visits to Ireland for the first four months of 2018 was over 2.8 million

Both Houses of the Oireachtas will be asked to passed resolutions to enable the formal establishment of the Commission. Commission chair to be retired Circuit Court Judge Barry Hickson

Minister with Responsibility for Defence, welcomed the theme of this year's International Day of UN Peacekeepers “70 Years of Service and Sacrifice”

During her visit she will meet with Norway’s Minister for Foreign Affairs; Norway’s foreign affairs committee and meet with Irish businesses in Oslo.

The EU Foreign Affairs Council discussed Iran, Gaza, Venezuela, DRC and the EU’s future relationship with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries.

The Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment today announced the commencement of its third language scheme for the period 2018 to 2021.

Proposal will reduce administrative burden on Irish companies seeking to expand into EU markets

The Minister for Justice and Equality, has officially opened the newly refurbished and extended Courthouse on Anglesea Street in Cork.

Surveys to pre-school parents now underway; surveys to be completed in the next two weeks

