This one-day course will introduce social media to those who have not used it as a business tool to date.

This South East Region Jobs Fair is being run will run by EURES and Department of Social Protection

Get your businessinvestor ready with this Hi-Start Management Development Programme, run by Dublin and Wicklow LEOs and Enterprise Ireland.

Learn about new forms of finance coming to the market for small business with this LEO Louth workshop run as part of Local Enterprise Week 2016.

LEO Leitrim is hosting this Local Enterprise Week breakfast briefing detailing the various financial supports available to SMEs.

Learn about new forms of finance coming to the market for small business with this LEO Louth workshop run as part of Local Enterprise Week 2016.

LEO Meath and Bord Bia present this food marketing programme aimed at helping small food businesses to develop and grow.

LEO Meath is running this two hour interactive workshop about the supports available through the Local Enterprise Office, as part of National Enterprise Week.

This LEO Clare Local Enterprise Week event will explore the different sources of finance available to SMEs.

This Local Enterprise Week event run by LEO Louth will help to make the tendering process work for your business.


Government Programmes

There are two complementary, Government-wide plans to tackle the jobs challenge:

APJ 2015Action Plan for Jobs
Find out how Government Departments and Agencies work together to improve conditions for creating jobs.

Pathways to Work

Check out the Government’s four-year strategy to radically reduce the number of people on the Live Register.