This LEO Cork City programme will give business owners and managers the information and skills needed to develop a comprehensive financial management strategy.

This is a comprehensive LEO Wicklow course outlining all you need to know to start your own business.

This Enterprise Ireland event will provide opportunities for SMEs and social enterprises in the construction sector to engage with the preferred tenderer for a Public Private Partnership Schools Bundle.

This LEO Limerick bootcamp is an ideal way to get up to speed on the major social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest) for business

This LEO Meath course is to provide those who are considering starting a business or those who have recently set up their own business with the necessary knowledge and tools to succeed.

Want to develop an effective PR/media campaign for your business? This LEO Meath course may be able to help you.

The aim of this LEO Tipperary programme is to provide the basic knowledge of Pinterest & Instagram for business to small business owners/business managers

In this LEO Tipperary course you will learn what kind of online marketing videos you can make and how you can shoot videos with your smartphone

This course will teach businesses how to use data analysis tools to allow you to set targets and measure the effectiveness of your online marketing strategy.

This six month course run by LEO Meath aims to provide participants with the management, leadership, knowledge and business 'know how' to achieve sustainability in your business.


Government Programmes

There are two complementary, Government-wide plans to tackle the jobs challenge:

APJ 2015Action Plan for Jobs
Find out how Government Departments and Agencies work together to improve conditions for creating jobs.

Pathways to Work

Check out the Government’s four-year strategy to radically reduce the number of people on the Live Register.