LEO Cavan presents this seminar to highlight some funding options available through government supports to help grow your business.

Participants on this programme will gain a good understanding of how to develop and implement an effective branding & marketing strategy for their business, including traditional and digital marketing tools.

Do you have a big idea for a food business? This introductory meeting will tell you all you need to know about the Bord Bia Foodworks business development and accelerator programme.

This seminar is aimed at SMEs in County Wicklow, and aims to give practical examples of how SMEs can get involved in the internet of things, to the benefit of their businesses.

This free LEO Cork City seminar is the first step in applying for a Trading Online Voucher, which aims to help businesses build an e-commerce website.

This LEO Cork City Enterprise Week workshop is aimed at aspiring business owners who currently have a business idea they would like to progress.

LEO Wexford's Tech Summit is an informational event for existing and aspiring entrepreneurs in the fields of technology, engineering and software.

This Local Enterprise Week event, run by LEO South Cork, will look at gaining a competitive advantage for your business through smart networking.

Learn winning strategies for growing your business and gain competitive advantage on the high street with this Local Enterprise Week event run by LEO Roscommon.

This Local Enterprise Week breakfast briefing, run by LEO Louth, will help explore the world of exporting for those looking to take their first steps.


Government Programmes

There are two complementary, Government-wide plans to tackle the jobs challenge:

APJ 2015Action Plan for Jobs
Find out how Government Departments and Agencies work together to improve conditions for creating jobs.

Pathways to Work

Check out the Government’s four-year strategy to radically reduce the number of people on the Live Register.