This LEO Louth workshop is a Local Enterprise Week event and aims to help participants explore and develop new business ideas.

LEO Meath presents this hour long information session for those wishing to apply for Microfinance Ireland loan funding.

This LEO Meath workshop will address a range of taxation issues for start-up businesses.

LEO Cavan presents this e-commerce website to complement the Trading Online Voucher Scheme.

This LEO Cavan course is aimed at those those looking to start a business but are unsure of how and where to begin.

This seminar, run by LEO Louth, will explore the journey to getting the right packaging for your food product, and will include advice from a packaging designer and food business owner.

This workshop will provide participants with tips and advice on how to set up and maximise their LinkedIn profile.

This LEO Donegal Business Week event will cover options available to raise finance for your business. This event is part of Local Enterprise Week.

LEO Louth is running this Local Enterprise Week event in conjunction with Paypal to explain opportunities in the evolving payments industry.

Do you have a big idea for a food business? This introductory meeting will tell you all you need to know about the Bord Bia Foodworks business development and accelerator programme.


Government Programmes

There are two complementary, Government-wide plans to tackle the jobs challenge:

APJ 2015Action Plan for Jobs
Find out how Government Departments and Agencies work together to improve conditions for creating jobs.

Pathways to Work

Check out the Government’s four-year strategy to radically reduce the number of people on the Live Register.