
At its meeting today, the Government decided to nominate The Hon. Mr. Justice Frank Clarke for appointment by the President as Chief Justice...

Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar today chaired the first meeting of the new Government Security Committee...

The Government today held a special all-day meeting focusing on the related issues of Climate Change, preparation of the National Planning Framework (Ireland 2040) and preparation of...

Climate Action Minister Denis Naughten has today published Ireland’s first statutory National...

The Low Pay Commission is recommending an increase in the national minimum wage of 30 cents to €9.55 per hour...

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar today joined Health Minister Simon Harris and Minister of State Catherine Byrne to launch “Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery...

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has announced that the first meeting of the new Government Security Committee will take place next week.

Finance and Public Expenditure & Reform, Paschal Donohoe today published...

Transport Minister Shane Ross has welcomed the decision of the Government to approve for publication the Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2017...

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar today spoke by phone with the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon and the First Minister of Wales, Carwyn Jones....

