
Since May 2016 work has been underway on the implementation of the Programme for a Partnership Government to tackle Ireland’s greatest challenges head on and create...

I am deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Dan Rooney. Dan was a personal friend of mine and the proudest Irish supporter of the Pittsburgh Steelers...

Government has agreed its plan to make childcare more affordable from September using the additional €19m of childcare funding agreed in Budget 2017....

Speaking following today’s Government meeting the Tánaiste Frances Fitzgerald said...

Following the tragic events in Stockholm earlier today I want to offer my solidarity and that of the Irish Government to Stefan Löfven and the Swedish people...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD led a trade mission to Germany today and had a bilateral meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel, as well as extensive engagements with key trade, tourism...

The Government has today arranged for the publication of the Final Report of the Fennelly Commission of Investigation and for a copy to be laid before the Oireachtas..

Census 2016 results announced today show that the country's population is now at 4,761,865 an increase of 173,613 (3.8%) since the last census in April...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny leads a trade mission to Germany today and will have a bilateral meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel, as well as extensive engagements with key...

IT company Version 1 today announced 365 new jobs for Dublin. Speaking at the announcement the Taoiseach said " Not only has the company secured a major investment deal worth...

