
Jobs Minister Mary Mitchell O’Connor today welcomed the latest Quarterly National Household Survey figures from the Central Statistics Office, showing that employment continues to...

"The vile acts carried out in Manchester last night are a reminder of the depravity of the views held by the few. Those beliefs have no place in our society...

The Taoiseach is in London today for a number of engagements including an address to the Ireland Funds Great Britain London City Lunch...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today joined Healthy Ireland Council Chair Keith Wood to launch an initiative which aims to boost the national movement for health and wellbeing...

Communications Minister Denis Naughten will brief the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Infrastructure, Environment and Climate Action on the matter this afternoon...

The visit to Government Buildings was part of a three day visit by the Prince and his wife Camilla the Duchess of Cornwall to Ireland...

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today met with Michel Barnier Chief EU Brexit Negotiator following his address to the Joint Houses of the Oireachtas...

The Programme for a Partnership Government, published on 11 May 2016, sets out an ambitious programme of work to protect our growing economy and ensure that the results are felt by...

The Government today approved a draft Order and Terms of Reference for a Commission of Investigation into NAMA.  The Terms of Reference provide for an investigation into Project...

Public Expenditure & Reform Minister Paschal Donohoe today welcomed the publication of the Report of the Public Service Pay Commission...

