
I come before the house to move a bill that will allow for one of the most important referenda in the history of the state. And I would like to begin with thanks. I would like to thank the members of this house on both sides of the political divide who gave so much...

I move amendment No. 1 To delete all the words after Dáil Éireann and substitute:- acknowledges that the untold story of those women who were in Magdalen laundries needs to be listened to with compassion and the facts about the Magdalen laundries...

I am delighted to be here in Batterstown at the official opening of the East-West Interconnector. This is a historic day for the Irish energy market. For the first time the Republic of Ireland will have a direct electricity connection to our neighbour and friend...

I am very pleased to bring the Animal Health & Welfare Bill before the House. I look forward to constructive, informed debate during the Bill’s consideration in following the debates in the Senate. The Bill represents a significant step forward in the area of animal...

For too long in Ireland we lived by the dictum that children should be seen and not heard. On November 10th we have the opportunity change all of that. Because with the Children’s referendum it is proposed for the first time in the history of this Republic..

This will be a historic referendum. A referendum informed by the bitter lessons of our history. But also one that makes a clear statement about our future, our society, and the place of children in it. As a State, some of the darkest moments in our past are a...

A Ceann Comhairle, I am pleased to be here today to present the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Bill 2012 to the House....

Desmond Tutu loves Mary Robinson. He told RTE he did. And RTE told Ireland if not quite the world. That’s the thing about Mary Robinson. In her many-faceted career she generates respect, loyalty, admiration...

I am delighted to be here today to celebrate your amazing achievements. 16 medals; numerous world records; personal best achieved and an Irish athlete chosen as the winner of the Whanf Youn Dai Achievement Award. That is an impressive...

Home are the heroes and the heroines! And I’m delighted to welcome you all to Farmleigh. What a two weeks you gave us. Pride. Class. Inspiration. Joy. All of them putting Ireland in 19th place out of 164 countries...

