
Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to join you here today, at what is really an historic event. The first time such a ceremony took place was over 120...

I am delighted to present the Taoiseach’s Public Service Excellence Awards. These Awards recognise and reward projects and initiatives that enhance efficiency, quality and effectiveness of ...

I’m very glad to be here today at the Bord Bia Pathways/Leadership Summit 2012. I had the opportunity to meet with some of you recently...

Let me briefly remind Senators of the background to the 2009 Act, lest anyone believe that it was an overreaction to a non-existent threat. At the time the level of organised crime had been on the increase. ..

The House will be aware of the background to the Offences Against the State (Amendment) Act 1998. It was enacted in the aftermath of the Omagh bombing in August 1998 in which 29 people were murdered in an indiscriminate bomb attack. 29...

Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman. Firstly, I would like to thank Patricia Callan for inviting me to address your conference today. The theme of today’s conference “Restoring Consumer Confidence” is of vital importance to the Government...

I am pleased to be here today to present the Criminal Justice (Search Warrants) Bill 2012 to this House. This is a short Bill but an important one. As its title suggests, it...

I would like to thank the Chairman and Committee members for inviting me to speak to you today in advance of the Ecofin Council of Ministers later this week. I would like to open by giving an overview of the European and International dimension to the work...

Ladies and Gentlemen, As many of you know, FLAC exists to provide equal access to justice for all, regardless of income or background and this has been a central tenet of FLAC since its foundation and a personal objective of mine...

The Minister for Justice and Equality today announced the appointment of three Prison Service Campus Governors. Speaking at the announcement the Minister said, "I am very pleased to announce the appointments of Governor Edward Whelan, Governor...

