
You’re very welcome to Dublin. You’ve come to us in Summer. The time when we commemorate Leopold Bloom making his Joycean Odyssey across this city...

I am very happy to be here today at this investment announcement. It is a significant announcement for the Irish economy and represents a vote of...

You are all most welcome on this very special occasion. The granting of citizenship to a person who has come to our country from a foreign land is quite clearly a major event in his or her life. It is a time of...

I am very pleased to be here this evening to launch the Culture Shots radio series broadcast on Near FM and, also, to present FETAC awards to those who...

Let me at the outset record my appreciation and that of the Government for the work done on this issue by the Law Reform Commission, whose landmark report on Spent Convictions, published in 2007, provided the background...

This Resolution will provide for the continuation in operation of section 8 of the Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 2009 for a period of 12 months from the 30th June 2012...

The House will be aware of the background to the Offences Against the State (Amendment) Act 1998. It was enacted in the aftermath of the Omagh bombing in August 1998 in which 29 people were murdered in an...

Ceann Comhairle, I move that the European Stability Mechanism Bill 2012 be now read a Second Time....

Ambassador Rooney, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning. I am delighted to have the opportunity to address you. It is fitting that we are discussing this theme in Croke Park this morning, one of the most historic playing fields in the world...

