
Cathaoirleach, The Privacy Bill, proposed by Senators Norris, Quinn and Barrett, seeks to make violation of privacy actionable. In other words, it seeks to create a tort of violation of privacy. Although...

It is very difficult to find words which would adequately condemn the type of behaviour outlined in this report, and previous ones, from the Planning Tribunal. It is a sorry tale of greed and betrayal, evasion...

A Cheann Comhairle.I had the honour of being elected to this House in 1987. Throughout my whole time here the spectre of corruption has hung over political life. While endemic to the system it has not...

A Cheann Comhairle, I am pleased to have the opportunity to contribute to the debate in the House this evening on the analysis, findings and recommendations of the Fifth and Final Report of the...

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. I am delighted to join you here this morning to open this conference and to acknowledge the significant eGovernment successes already achieved by the...

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, friends: good morning. It is an honour and a pleasure to have the opportunity to speak to you today at Tsinghua University...

I thank the Deputy for putting forward this important Bill. Before I talk about the specifics of the Bill I would like to first emphasise the important role played by the Financial Services Ombudsman....

Thank you Professor and good morning everyone. I had the pleasure of opening this wonderful facility only last June and I am delighted to see that it is such a hive of activity already...

It is a great pleasure for me to be here today at the launch of the A & L Goodbody Chinese Lawyers’ Internship Programme....

I am very happy to be here to be here this morning and I would like to thank you for giving your time to join us....

