
I am delighted to launch the Succeed-in-Ireland initiative here today. I would like to particularly congratulate Terry Clune...

Over the past couple of weeks, since I announced the Government’s plans for a programme of State asset disposals, there has been a lot of mis-information...

Over the past couple of weeks, since I announced the Government’s plans for a programme of State asset disposals, there has been a lot of mis-information circulating about the Government’s..

I am delighted to launch the Succeed-in-Ireland initiative here today. I would like to particularly congratulate Terry Clune for being selected to ..

Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for being here this afternoon. 12 months ago, when this Government came into office, the country was on the edge of a cliff...

March 9th 2011 marked a fresh start for Ireland. A day when the chaos of the previous years was brought to an end...

Is mór agam an deis chun an Teach a chur ar an eolas faoi na torthaí ar chruinniú na Comhairle Eorpaí sa Bhruiséil Déardaoin agus Dé hAoine an tseachtain seo caite, an 1 – 2 Márta...

Ta an-áthas orm bheith i bhur láthair anocht ar an ócáid speisialta seo. Táim thar a bheith buíoch daoibh as an cuireadh agus an fáilte. I am...

I would like to thank Deputy McGrath for publishing his Bill and availing of the Friday facilities for Private Members Bills and for providing the...

I am very happy to be here today to launch the UCC Government and Politics Society’s ‘Government and Politics Review 2012’. I am also very...

