
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, Today is a good day for Ireland and in particular for the northeast. PayPal is announcing the creation ...

Vice President Xi Jinping, Ambassadors, Distinguished visitors and guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to extend a warm ...

It is a pleasure for me, as Taoiseach, to welcome you, Vice President Xi, and your distinguished accompanying delegation to Dublin Castle....

Ladies and Gentlemen, Ambassador, the Kennedy Family, Library, The Kennedy Library Foundation, Ambassador and Consul General...

I’m delighted to be here this evening.Thank you David Ellwood Iris Bohnet and the Institute of Politics for inviting me. I come here today to talk to ...

I made the point at the start of this Debate on Tuesday that this Finance Bill contains a number of measures designed to support investment, stimulate research and, ultimately, create jobs...

Thank you all for coming today to ICON. It’s an impressive space an equally impressive story. A story for the times. Because since it started in 1990, ICON has epitomised Ireland’s ability... Because since it started in 1990, ICON has epitomised Ireland’s ability to find and play to its strengths. Today, 22 years on, ICON is a global leader in clinical research, employing more than 8,500 people in 40 countries. These are real jobs high-end jobs... with the even greater add-on of making a real difference to people’s lives. If ICON can do this so can Ireland. If our people are to have jobs, to know the...

I don’t think there’s a better place to be, or better company to be with, than this gathering here tonight. Occasions as beautiful as this one...

It is an honour and a privilege for me to address you here this afternoon. I am delighted to see so many of you...

Commissioner, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. The awarding of the ‘Q’ Mark for Quality Management Systems is a significant....

