
31st May 2013 Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today launched a new €175million Seed and Venture...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, today (Friday) launched a new €175million Seed and Venture Capital Scheme 2013-2018 aimed at providing additional funding for high-growth Irish companies with the potential

Irish Water has appointed Abtran Ltd, Cork, to operate its customer contact call centre. This decision will create 400 jobs at the Abtran facility at Bishopstown, Cork from July of this year. The contract is for a five year period and was...

30th May 2013: Irish Water has appointed Abtran Ltd, Cork, to operate its customer contact call centre. This decision will create 400 jobs at the Abtran facility at Bishopstown, Cork from July of this year. The contract is for a...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today announced that Mafic (Black Basalt) Ireland Limited (Mafic) will create 70 jobs...

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton, T.D, today (Monday) announced that Mafic (Black Basalt) Ireland Limited (Mafic) will create 70 jobs over the next three years with a multi-million Euro investment in their new production...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, today (Friday) announced that Advant...

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD today (Friday) announced the establishment of a small Entrepreneurship Advisory Forum to advise and support his Department and to influence policy in the area of...

Finance Minister Michael Noonan today announced that Capita is to create 800 new jobs in Dublin...

The Government has just received this judgment, and we intend to study it and take legal advice on it before commenting in detail. The judgment has the effect of striking down Registered Employment Agreements put in place under the...

