
Shared Island Fund will support new cross-border initiatives on climate action, EV charging, sustainable tourism and recreation, and the arts...

Minister Martin welcomes announcement of 55 awardees in latest round of funding to support purchase of musical instruments by performing groups and individual musicians...

Open to SMEs including farmers, fishers and food businesses...

The Department of Education can confirm that as of 30 June 7,285 Ukrainian pupils have been enrolled in schools across Ireland. Out of that figure, 5,047 of these pupils have been accommodated in primary schools while 2,238 pupils have enrolled in post-primary schools...

Minister for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora, Colm Brophy, T.D., today announced Irish Aid funding of €4 million to strengthen the ability of developing countries to predict and prepare for extreme weather events...

The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee T.D., has received Government approval to draft the Scheme of a Bill to place the Irish Prison Service (IPS) on a full statutory footing with a non-executive Board and other structures that align with best practice in the governance of State bodies...

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue TD, today announced the commencement of payments of over €21.7 million to approximately 100,000 farmers. ..

The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) today published its Annual Report for 2021. In welcoming the report, Damien English TD, Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail said...

Taoiseach Micheál Martin and Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris TD have today (July 1st) announced a new partnership between industry and the Government to recruit and retain research talent...

