
Minister Heather Humphreys, has secured Cabinet approval for a number of major reforms to Community Employment, Tús and the Rural Social Scheme.

The Taoiseach will travel to Madrid today (Wednesday) to attend a EuroAtlantic dinner being hosted by Prime Minister Sanchez of Spain.

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, T.D., has announced today that balancing payments for the GLAS+ participants have commenced

Taoiseach joins the Minister for Justice and Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to publish the most ambitious plan to date requiring whole of Government and community effort to create an Ireland where gender based violence is not tolerated

The Government today reaffirmed its commitment to participate in the European Unitary Patent system and Unified Patent Court (UPC) and to hold a referendum to enable Ireland to do so.

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee has paid tribute, on behalf of the Government and the State, to Assistant Garda Commissioner John O’Driscoll as he retires today following 41 years of service in An Garda Síochána.

Minister Charlie McConalogue TD, today announced the launch of Phase 1 of the new state of the art Aquaculture Information Management System (AQUAMIS).

The Ministers Norma Foley and Josepha Madigan have today announced Government approval for the Education (Provision in Respect of Children with Special Educational Needs) Bill 2022

The Minister for Overseas Development Aid and the Diaspora, Colm Brophy, T.D., today announced the awarding of 198 Fellowships for candidates from Irish Aid partner countries to undertake post-graduate study in Ireland.

