
The Minister for Justice and Equality today announced the appointment by the Government of 1 Assistant Commissioner, 4 Chief Superintendents and 13 Superintendents in An Garda Síochána. The vacancy in the...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mr. Richard Bruton TD today [Tuesday] launched an information leaflet outlining 15 schemes available to businesses seeking to start-up, expand and create jobs...

A formal process has commenced to seek EU recognition of the unique characteristics of ‘Irish Salmon’ while the application for ‘Waterford Blaa’ has reached a further stage....

At the request of Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, the issue of overfishing of mackerel by Iceland and the Faroe...

Róisín Shortall T.D., Minister of State with responsibility for Primary Care in the Department of Health, today (Monday, 16th July 2012) announced the publication of the Health (Pricing and Supply of Medical Goods) Bill...

Róisín Shortall T.D., Minister of State with responsibility for Primary Care in the Department of Health, today (Monday, 16th July 2012) announced the...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Mr. Richard Bruton T.D today [Monday] announced that Irish concrete products manufacturer Shay...

The Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence Mr. Alan Shatter T.D. today (16th July 2012) posthumously awarded the Military Star Medal to Private...

“I was shocked to learn of the publication today by a Mauritian newspaper of images relating to the murder of Michaela McAreavey. Our Ambassador to Mauritius, Mr. Brendan McMahon, is currently in Ireland, and I will be meeting with him tomorrow morning to...

Responding to the reports of the killings in Tremseh in Syria, the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore, T.D., said:“I share the absolute horror and revulsion at the reports of the latest massacre perpetrated in Tremseh. Once again, the...

