
I welcome the opportunity to open the debate on Northern Ireland and the outcome of the political talks in Belfast which Prime Minister Cameron and I convened in September...

On behalf of Minister Fitzgerald, who is unavailable today, I want, at the outset, to thank Senator Naughton for raising this important subject which gives the Minister...

Seán, Ladies and gentlemen. I am delighted to be here in the very fitting setting of the Glasnevin Museum for the launch of this...

Good afternoon everyone. I’m delighted to be here today to mark the official opening of the Medical Assessment Unit here at Bon Secours Hospital Cork...

Unemployment has fallen below 9% for the first time since December 2008, and is down from a crisis peak of 15.1%.  Behind every new job is a person or family benefiting in their own lives from the wider recovery. A person or family now more hopeful about their future, and the opportunities ahead.

This is fantastic news for Cork and a boost to the reputation of the South West region as a growing hub for innovative companies.

We meet in shocked and uncertain times. The city of Paris and the European family is in mourning. You have come here to Dublin another capital for this Global Irish Economic Forum. We welcome you, will keep you safe and are delighted to have you with us.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Is mór an onóir dom fáilte a chur roimh gach duine anseo. It is an honour to welcome you all here....

The central message of this Government has always been jobs. The consistent drive to get people back to work....

Welcome to this press conference to publish the Action Plan for Jobs progress reports for quarters 2 and 3 for 2015. These events are an important part of our effort to keep up the momentum on job creation as we work towards our target of reducing unemployment down to 6% by 2020...

