
Children First is no longer a national aspiration but a constitutional reality with the enactment of this legislation. Within decades of our children being demonised, brutalised, criminalised for their audacity to be poor, different, abandoned, orphaned, troubled or just plain...

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm delighted to join you for your annual Dublin dinner and to be able to discuss with you our plan to invest in Cork and the South West region so that we can keep the recovery going...

I welcome the opportunity to update the House on what is being done to improve access to services in our acute hospitals...

Good morning everybody. I’m very pleased to be here today to launch European Movement Ireland’s “National Conversation” on this crucial issue.  I’d like to thank your chairperson Maurice Pratt, vice chair Jillian van Turnhout...

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is a pleasure to be with you today, as the CBI celebrates 50 years of championing British business, and as you look ahead to Britain’s economic future in a changing world...

Everyone, no matter their means, at some point in their life, and some on a number of occasions, interacts with the health service and so a well-functioning health service is ultimately a matter of importance for everyone.

I would like to thank Gina and the team here at Dublin Chamber for the opportunity to speak to you all today. It is a few months since we last met...

It is a good day for the medical sector in Ireland with the announcement of 100 new jobs across Ireland as Euromedic officially becomes Affidea.

I want to take the time today to express my observations from my engagement and considerations on the issue of homelessness. This is a snapshot of my experience and thinking...

With this signing all 31 of our local authorities have adopted a common set of values and principles designed to improving the quality of life and living for older people across the country.

