
Welcome to this very special event marking thirty years since Garret FitzGerald and Margaret Thatcher signed the Anglo Irish Agreement...

Thank you, Charlie, for that generous introduction. It was kind of Minister Flanagan to have quoted some of the passages of my Dáil speech from almost 30 years ago. I myself...

When Apple announced 1,000 new jobs for its Hollyhill campus in Cork yesterday, it gave a boost to an entire city. Because behind the numbers are real lives, real communities - and good jobs are central to people and communities thriving. This Government’s focus has been on helping people back to work...

Minister Coveney, Deputy Commissioner, Chief of Staff, Secretaries General Quinn and Waters, Veterans, honoured guests, families and friends. I am delighted to attend this event today on behalf of the Minister for Justice and Equality Frances Fitzgerald...

Welcome to the launch of Enterprise 2025 – This Government’s long term jobs plan. This plan is a blueprint on how to rebuild...

A dhaoine uaisle, a hUachtaran, ladies and gentlemen. I want to start by thanking Anna Quigley of Citywide for the invitation to address you this morning on what I see are the key issues for the next National Drugs Strategy...

Good morning. It’s a pleasure to be here this morning for this very significant and welcome announcement. They say politicians are fond of statistics. As a politician and a chartered accountant, I’m even fonder of statistics...

I’m delighted to be here with you this morning and I’d like to thank Ian for inviting me to make an opening contribution. For me, the title for this Summit – Growth 2020: Embracing Challenge and Maximising Potential – sums up Ireland and the Irish...

I’m delighted to be here with you this afternoon and thank you for the kind welcome. NUI Galway is renowned nationally and internationally for its applied social science research and activities related to lifecourse and civic engagement...

The enactment of the Children First Bill meets an important legislative commitment in the Programme for Government to, for the first time, put key elements of the Children First Guidance on a statutory footing...

