
A Cheann Comhairle, I am delighted to present this important Bill to the House today. The Bill started life in the Seanad as a Private Members’ Bill under the name of the Employment Equality (Amendment) (No.2) Bill 2013...

Ladies and gentlemen, Before I turn to other issues, allow me to say a word about the appalling terror attacks that we witnessed in Paris on Friday...

Check against delivery Good morning. I’m very pleased to be here today at what promises to be a very informative event. But I’d like to start with a word or two about last Friday’s atrocities in Paris. There will be...

Last Friday night in Paris ordinary people going about their lives - socialising, attending a concert, the things people do on Friday nights - were slaughtered in an act of cold-blooded inhumanity at its worst...

Last Friday on the streets of Paris we saw mass murder on a frightening scale. We saw multiple acts of cruelty....

A Friday evening in winter. For many the end of the working week, in the city of Light. Parisians got ready for the weekend.....

Good morning, It is a real pleasure to be here today with the pupils and staff of these two fine schools.

Good morning. I’d like to thank John (Kearns – principal), Eiven (Shanahan – deputy principal) and Declan (Murray – chairman of Board of Management) for hosting us here today.

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to Castlebar. This Action Plan is the 4th in a series of 8 Regional Plans...

I am very grateful to have been invited to address you today. Last Friday night in Paris we saw yet again cold-blooded inhumanity at its worst...

