
This is my first visit to UCD to observe the work of the Centre for Cyber-crime Investigation, and it gives me great pleasure that my visit is on such a special occasion...

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. It is a pleasure to be here today to open this conference and I want to compliment the organisers for putting together such an interesting programme....

Our higher education system has both influenced and confronted those changes. And it has evolved beyond recognition in the face of them. Flexibility and a willingness to respond to new expectations has been a hallmark of our system...

It is a great pleasure to be here with you his morning and to have the opportunity to address some of the key players in one of Ireland’s most important indigenous industries....

I am delighted to have the opportunity to address the Annual Conference of the Institute for British-Irish Studies here in University College Dublin this morning. I address you today after what has been an ...

I am very pleased for the invitation to speak here today at the annual lunch of the Leinster Society of Chartered Accountants and for this opportunity to outline some key actions the Government has taken...

I am delighted to be with you today to mark the 40th anniversary of Hewlett-Packard in Ireland. I would like to thank Martin Murphy for his invitation to visit these...

If there’s anyone out there who still doubts that Ireland is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our ancestors is alive in our time; who still questions our capacity to restore ourselves, reinvent ourselves and prosper.....

I am honoured to speak at the inaugural U.S. Ireland Legal Symposium which I believe is planned to be an annual event to be held in alternate years in the USA and Ireland. I wish in particular to thank...

