
I am delighted to welcome you all to Iveagh House this afternoon for the launch of this important Holiday Survival Guide which was developed by Drinkaware in consultation with my Department. ...

"It took important decisions on economic matters, and addressed two important international concerns, Libya and Japan. The atmosphere was...

And yet I have a deadline. What I’m setting out to do is guarantee equal access to healthcare for everybody in our country as quickly as possible but absolutely within the next 10 years. Equal access...

I would like to thank the Cystic Fibrosis Association of Ireland for inviting me here this evening to speak at your Conference. I hope that you have been enjoying the fine weather here in this great county…

Our prosperity depends on us being competitive. It is reasonable to argue that the public sector pay and entitlements in Ireland should be benchmarked against other countries in the European Union and against the European average...

I’m delighted to be here this evening. And I hope that those of you visiting from overseas will take with you the vital news…. that despite what you read…. or in your case what you ‘print’ in the papers….

At the outset, can I say how delighted I am to be here today and I want to congratulate you all on running successful companies. It is young innovators like yourselves who can really make a difference...

Last Thursday, I announced the Government’s radical and wide-ranging plans to restructure the state supported banking sector. When we published our plan the Government had a number of objectives ...

Innovation and Research, Creativity and Enthusiasm have to be the basis on which our economy recovers. I am delighted to see these positive traits in abundance amongst our graduate entrants for the Trash to cash competition ...

