
Our relations with our European partners, and our standing in Europe, are of vital importance to our national recovery. This Government will work in a coordinated and concerted way to see that they are improved.

On behalf of Fionnuala and myself, and our delegation, I thank you most sincerely for the warm welcome which you have extended to us today. I am very grateful also to President Obama and to...

I am truly honoured to join you here in your historic Residence this morning. Thank you for honouring our country on this St Patrick’s Day. I look forward later today to my meeting with President Obama and so many of our other great friends here in Washington. I also remember, with the deepest affection and gratitude, the memory of friends who are no longer with us - and especially...

Thank you all for your welcome. Thank you, Loretta, for your introduction. Let me begin by paying tribute to the American Ireland Fund and in...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for coming to this event today. This is my first public event here in the United States since I was elected Taoiseach and I am delighted to see so many of you here.

Thank you very much, a Cheann Comhairle. I want to focus my contribution this evening on issues relating to my Department. The Programme for Government envisages that the Department of Finance will be reconfigured as two departments...

A Ceann Comhairle, Economic and Social Crisis: Ireland is facing an economic and social crisis with few parallels in our history. There are currently over 430,000 people on the Live Register - over 160,000 of whom have been unemployed for more than a year...

This day marks our new beginning. On Friday February 25th 2011 the people spoke. The outcome of that election is the selection of the 31st Dáil and the mandate received by Fine Gael and the Labour Party to form a Government...

