
I move amendment No. X To delete all words after Dáil Éireann and substitute the following: “recognises that the true potential of Ireland’s indigenous petroleum resources can only...

Irish parents have a deep interest in their children’s education, especially at primary level. This is not a new found interest. That hunger for education has been there for generations and still remains to this very day...

I am delighted to be with you today to discuss the prospects for Ireland’s export-led recovery and how the new Irish Government is acting decisively to help engineer that recovery as quickly as possible...

I am delighted to be here this evening in the Mullingar Park Hotel for this prestigious occasion - the GAA Congress. I know that delegates will have many issues to discuss and many decisions to make – decisions which will have an impact on the organisation at all levels...

I am delighted to be here with you to officially launch this forum on ‘A National Youth Entrepreneurship Strategy’...

"This new water utility company will take over responsibility for managing and supervising investment in water services infrastructure and to manage the domestic water metering programme..."

I want to talk to you tonight about this new Government’s vision of public service. Ireland’s profound and complex economic crisis, where we are fighting a battle on three fronts – mass unemployment...

Mr President, distinguished guests, delegates, ladies and gentlemen, I was delighted to accept your invitation to address your annual conference. It gives me an opportunity to say how much I appreciate the vital work that you do in the frontline policing of this country...

Effective public procurement is essential for good public service and good government. In the EU expenditure on public procurement amounts to some 17% of the EU’s GDP. In Ireland the public sector spends approx €16 billion per year...

I would like to start by saying on behalf of the Irish Government that you are all very welcome to Ireland. I hope that you have enjoyed your time here and that your busy schedule left you time to sample just some of what Dublin has to offer....

