
last Saturday in Omagh a despicable act was carried out which has been universally condemned by all in both parts of this island and will be counter-productive to the perpetrators. I want to convey my utter abhorrence for the brutal and senseless killing...

I am concerned that the reality of our reliance on the EU/IMF funding has not been fully grasped by the general public and within the education sector ...

On behalf of the Office of Public Works I would like to welcome you all to Dublin Castle and, in particular, to welcome all the international delegates who have come to Dublin to partake in this General Assembly of the Architects Council of Europe...

Tuesday, 30th September, 2008 will go down in history as the blackest day in Ireland since the Civil War broke out...

I welcome the fact that the House is holding this comprehensive debate on the final report of the Moriarty Tribunal. I am sure that members will appreciate that I am somewhat constrained in what I can say because there are legal proceedings before the courts....

Ladies and Gentlemen. Today is important, and the week we’re launching is important. The week couldn’t be more important. It’s about saving lives. It’s about handing back their lives to people...

Renewable energy will play a key role in developing Ireland's energy future and will contribute in turn to each of our policy goals of secure, clean and affordable energy ...

As the new Minister for Health, my primary goal is to radically reform the health system so as to guarantee equal access to healthcare for everybody in our country. It is my firm view that this can only be achieved through a single-tier system. One that gives access based on need - not on ability to pay ...

Speaking on behalf of the Government, the House can be assured of our on-going commitment to make Irish roads even safer over the course of the next five years ...

On the 25th of February, the Irish people had their opportunity to speak and their verdict was clear. They voted overwhelming for change and reform. This new Government has been formed to deliver that change and reform.

