
I thank the Deputy for raising this matter. Let me begin my reiterating that the use of explosive devices such as that employed recently in Trim is a matter of ongoing concern both to me and...

I understand that the discussions over the past few days have been very engaging and insightful. There are huge decisions to make in the coming years on energy policy that will have a lasting impact on our country...

Congressman Neal, Ladies and Gentlemen: I am delighted to be here today for the Ireland – US Council Spring Lunch. I cannot overstate the importance and value that our Government places on the Ireland US relationship. It is one not only of cold, hard economics, but...

I would like to thank the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management Ireland (CIWM) for the opportunity to address your conference here this morning. I’d like to thank your Secretary Toddy Cuthbert...

I want to start by thanking you for your invitation to join you in Cork at your annual convention and for your warm welcome. I consider myself privileged to have been given the job I wanted to in, what is, a National Government...

I consider myself to have been given the job I wanted in what is, in effect, a National Government.I am anxious to ensure that all of the education partners are...

I am pleased to be here in the Law Society this evening to launch the 2011 training plan of the Law Society Finuas Network and to acknowledge the Law Society’s great achievement in winning the...

At the outset I would like to thank Deputies for their considered and useful contributions to this debate. I would also like to thank Mr. Nyberg for his extensive and in-depth analysis of the crisis...

I want to congratulate Sergeant John Hynes on his award yesterday for the outstanding work he did in bringing to justice the parents who subjected their children ...

The Motion before the House proposes that Ireland should exercise the option set out in Article 3 of Protocol 21 to the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union to participate in...

